Par Bernard Vassor
Marie, Charlotte Eugénie Doche, née Plumkett, née le 19 novembre 1821 à Brux elles. Elle fit ses débuts au théâtre du Vaudeville à l’age de quatorze ans. Sa très grande beauté lui valu beaucoup de succès. Elle épousa un chef d’orchestre et violoniste M. Doche en 1839, et le quitta deux ans plus tard (mort du choléra lors de la terrible épidémie de 1849). Elle eut alors de nombreux protecteurs très riches. Lorsqu’elle créa la Dame aux camélias, en 1852, son amant était un certain Gervilliers. Il mourut peu de temps après. Elle joua cette pièce 500 fois, jusqu’en 1862. Elle quitta la scène en 1870. Avec sa sœur, elle commandita son frère Francis de Plumkett, qui devint co-directeur du Palais-Royal. Elle demeurait 9 rue de Constantinople, et entretenait une maîtresse qui habitait à l’étage au dessus, l’actrice Mélita du Vaudeville. Le journal des Goncourt, encore lui fourmille d’informations et de citations plutôt venimeuses à son encontre.
Je ne vous en donne qu’un petit aperçu :
Fin février 1854 : "Suzane Lagier, une autre « horizontale » dit à Lorsay : « Moi je ne suis pas une commerçante comme Mme Doche, C’est une femme à prix fixe. Son mollet, sa cuisse, « sa motte », les tétons qu’elle n’a pas, tout ça c’est étiqueté. Je ne saurais pas vendre des pruneaux, comment veux-tu que je débite mon cul ? »
18 avril 1859, Aurélien Scholl devient l’amant d'Eugénie Doche.
15 Août 1858 Eugénie Dochefinance Scholl pour le rachat du journal « Le Corsaire-Satan »
21 novembre 1858 : « Puis vient une discussion sur l’haleine de Mme Doche, qui reste à l’état de fait historique » Le « Journal » avait déjà fait allusion plusieurs fois à l’odeur nauséabonde buccale de la comédienne.
24 décembre 1859, réveillon chez « la Doche » rue de la Ville-l’Evêque.
« car seul j' ai été le confident des derniers détails sans lesquels il eût été impossible de faire un récit intéressant et complet. Or, voici comment ces détails sont parvenus à ma connaissance. -le 12 du mois de mars 1847, je lus, dans la rue Laffitte, une grande affiche jaune annonçant une vente de meubles et de riches objets de curiosité. Cette vente avait lieu après décès. L' affiche ne nommait pas la personne morte, mais la vente devait se faire rue d' Antin, n 9, le 16, de midi à cinq heures. L' affiche portait en outre que l' on pourrait, le 13 et le 14, visiter l' appartement et les meubles. J' ai toujours été amateur de curiosités. Je me promis de ne pas manquer cette occasion, sinon d' en acheter, du moins d' en voir. Le lendemain, je me rendis rue d' Antin, n 9.
Il était de bonne heure, et cependant il y avait déjà dans l'appartement des visiteurs et même des visiteuses, qui, quoique vêtues de velours, couvertes de cachemires et attendues à la porte par leurs élégants coupés, regardaient avec étonnement, avec admiration même, le luxe qui
s'étalait sous leurs yeux. Plus tard je compris cette admiration et cet étonnement, car m' étant mis aussi à examiner, je reconnus aisément que j' étais dans l'appartement d'une femme entretenue. »
Marie Duplessis, née Alphonsine Plessis le 15 janvier 1824 à Nonant-le-Pin, morte à Paris le 3 février 1847
- Pauvre fille ! on m’a dit qu’à votre heure dernière,
- Un seul homme était là pour vous fermer les yeux,
- Et que, sur le chemin qui mène au cimetière,
- Vos amis d’autrefois étaient réduits à deux !
Roman publié en 1848, inspiré d'un fait divers réel : l'amour d' Agénor de Gramont, duc de Guiche, futur ministre des Affaires étrangères, pour Alphonsine Plessis dite Marie DuplessisDans la réalité, un oncle du jeune homme intervint pour mettre un terme à cette liaison. Agénor fut envoyé à Londres. Marie épousa le comte Edouard de Perrégaux. Morte de tuberculose en février 1847. Elle était « grande, très mince, noire de cheveux, rose et blanche de visage, elle avait la tête petite, de longs yeux d’émail comme une Japonaise, mais vifs et fins, les lèvres du rouge des cerises, les plus belles dents du monde ».
09:34 Publié dans LES COURTISANES LES MODELES ET LES ACTRICES | Tags : plumkett, eugénie doche, mélita, goncourt, francis de plumkett, suzane lagier, aurélien scholl | Lien permanent | Commentaires (36) | | | |
quelques jours après la première de la "DAME" (Février 1852) , DOCHE à DUMAS FILS qui la félicite :" C'est curieux cher ami , FECHTER est admirable et c'est moi qu'on applaudit le plus!.. DUMAS : " chère amie, c'est qu'on est habitué au talent de FECHTER, vous ,c'est la première fois..!"
Écrit par : jean darnel | 25/07/2007
Écrit par : Perregaux | 03/11/2007
Écrit par : jean darnel | 07/11/2007
Dear Jean Darnel,
I know about the mistake... When I wrote the article about her last home, I hadn't got any image of 15 BD de la Madeleine, that's why I decided to show the 11 BD de la Madaleine. Anyway, I recently found a photo of 15 BD de la Madeleine and the mistake is now corrected :)
I'm REALLY interested in Marie Duplessis. Please, tell me how can I get in touch with you!
Looking foward to hear about you...
PS: Excuse me for writing in english but I'm Spanish and I don't understand french good enough to write!
Écrit par : Perregaux | 12/12/2007
envoyez moi des emails en attendant mieux.Je répondrai avec beaucoup de plaisir, cher PERREGAUX Amitiés J.D
Écrit par : darnel | 20/12/2007
Dear Jean Darnel:
At first, Merry Christmas to you and to all the people that read this blog!
Well, as I told you, I've been really interested in Marie Duplessis since I read an article about her in a Historical Magazine. I began to research about her life, her past, her lovers... Sadly, there aren't so much true information about her in the websites. You know, people are really influenced by Dumas fils's La Dame aux Camelias and they are confusing Marie's story with Marguerite's. That's why I decided to put my own vision of the story up on the web. I'm surely making lots of mistakes about her because I'm not an expert, but I'm just trying to research the more I can.
Now, for example, I'm trying to find some pics of her museum in Gace (the interior rooms) but, due to the lack of information, it has been impossible to find something useful (there's nothing useful in the museum website!!) Do you know where can I have those pics?
I'm also looking for her portraits (I have the Edouard Vienot's, the Camille Roqueplan's, the Comedie Francaise's miniature, an anonymous -really similar to Vienot's one- that I found in the Alexandre Dumas pere's website, another anonymous firmed by the French School...). Anyway, I know that Vincent Vidal painted Marie at least two times. Do you know where can I find those painted by Vidal?
Anyway, I'm also working in a chronology with the main facts that took place in Marie Duplessis's life. I'll put it up in my blog soon.
Hoping to hear soon about you!
PS: Excuse me again for writing in English. Can you understand everything I wirte? If you don't, I can write in Spanish.
Écrit par : Perregaux | 30/12/2007
cher perregaux, vous n'avez pas de chance,mon anglais est NUL.Posez moi de temps en temps des questions sur MARIE DUPLESSIS en français même mauvais, j'y répondrai avec plaisir...Vous pouvez joindre aussi Monsieur JEAN MARIE CHOULET, 13 RUE Matignon 6123O GACE TEL 02 33 35 62 97.C'est le Directeur du Musée de la DAME AUX CAMELIAS et un ami.Il vous répondra pour les photos. Amiriés ... J.D
Écrit par : darnel | 03/01/2008
Cher Darnel,
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse.
J'entrerai en contact avec Monsieur Choulet si mon faible français me le permet!
Á prèsent, chaque fois que peut étudier, j'étudie pour améliorer mon pauvre français!
Tu sauras rien de moi bientôt.
Merci beaucoup une autre fois, mon ami!
Écrit par : Perregaux | 15/01/2008
a bientôt,cher Perregaux, pour d'autres histoires sur MARIE. N'hésitez pas......
Écrit par : darnel | 15/01/2008
Dear Darnel, dear Perregaux,
I am so interested about the true life of Marie Duplessis and would be very thankful to get some more information by both of you... Unfortunately, I am also someone who is too much influenced by the story about Marguerite Gautier!
I would be really happy to get a reply! (aussi possible en Francais)
Écrit par : Marion | 10/09/2008
My dear Marion,
As you can see, my french is really really really bad so, I will try to answer you in English and Spanish.
The real life of Marie Duplessis is really confused. Writers and journalists tended to mix her real life with Marguerite Gautier's life, maybe touched by the the romanticism of the Dumas son's story.
Anyway, if you got any particular question about her, don't hesitate and go ahead. I will try to answer as best as I can.
You can also visit my personal blog about Marie. (It's written in spanish). To get the link, you just have to click in my name down here.
Lots of regards ^^
PS: Kind regards, mon ami Darnel!
Mi querido/a Marion,
Como ves, mi francés es muy muy muy malo, asi que trataré de responderte en inglés y español.
La vida real de Marie Duplessis es realmente confusa. Escritores y periodistas tendieron a mezclar su vida real con la de Marguerite Gautier, quizás movidos por el romanticismo de la historia de Dumas hijo.
De cualquier manera, si tienes alguna pregunta particular acerca de ella, no lo dudes y preguntame. Trataré de responderte lo mejor que pueda.
También puedes visitar mi blog personal acerca de Marie. (Está escrito en español). Para conseguir el link, sólo tienes que hacer clic en mi nombre ahí abajo.
Saludos ^^
PD: Saludos afectuosos, amigo Darnel!
Écrit par : Perregaux | 11/09/2008
Querido Perregaux,
No puedo hablar Espanol muy bien... pero comprendo un pocito! Para mi, es mejor de escribir en ingles...
Thank you so much for your reply.
I started looking on your blog; even if it's quite hard for me to understand, I think to get answers to some of my questions.
For me the name of Agenor de Gramont was completely new!
Did you ever see some of her places?
Do you know her picture made by Vincent Vidal?
However, now I'm looking foward to your blog (and try to improve my Spanish...!)
Écrit par : Marion | 13/09/2008
Hi, my dear Marion! How are you?
Well, Agenor was one of the very first rich lovers that supported her but there are plenty more names behind, like the baron de Plancy, Edouard Delessert, Roger de Beauvoiur, Eugene Sue, Gustav von Stackelberg, the count Olympe Aguado, etc. The sad part is that there is just a little information about their relationships with Marie. For example, I found out that Marie had a 'romance' with the spanish count Olympe Aguado. However, I just could find a portrait of him signed by Winterhalter but no references about his life in Paris...
In the other hand, I never went to Paris so I don't already know that places (but I hope I can visit them next year! ^^ ).
When it comes to Vincent Vidal... well, I read in an old book that he made at least two draws of Marie Duplessis, one of them in bath clothes, (maybe the same draw that was sold in the auction after her death for 800 francs on February 23, 1847). Sadly, I mistook the Vidal draws for the Vienot portrait during too much time. When I found out that both portraits were different ones, I started looking for the Vidal draws. However, I wasn't able to find them. It's a pity because there's no information about these portraits in the net.
Well, if you got any more questions, I will be delighted to help you. ^^
Kind regards, Marion!
PS: Sorry about the possible mistakes in my spelling. ^^
Écrit par : Perregaux | 14/09/2008
Good morning, dear Perregaux,
Thank you for replying so fast!
I wonder how you found out all of that...! Did you find out if Marie ever experienced such a deep love like it is written in La Madame aux Camelies? I think she did, because Dumas says that the story is true!? After having read this book, I must say that it really semms to be true... what do you think? or: what did you find out?
Do you think that there is another possibility to find out about the paintings of Vidal?
And another question: how did it happen that you started being interested about this subject?
Have a nice sunday
Écrit par : Marion | 14/09/2008
Hi again, my dear Marion! How are you?
Well, I guess that it's imposible to know properly if Marie was really in love with Dumas fils or how strong was her love for him. The truth about it is that the two lovers were together during at least 11 mounth (september 1844 - august 1845). Then, Dumas wrote her to make her know that he was breaking up the relationship. It was told that Dumas was afraid of the illness that was devouring her dear Marie and that he was frantic about becoming ill with tuberculosis.
Well, as far as I am concerned, the characters of Marguerite and Armand are SLIGHTLY based in Marie Duplessis and Alexandre Dumas fils. I mean, in the novel, for example, Dumas told us that Armand and Marguerite spent a few months in a summer house sharing their love. In real life, in february 1842, Marie and Edouard de Perregaux visited a summer house in Bougival and bought it to spend their weekends there. At the last months of that year, Edouard sold the house in Bougival to reorganize his economie and traveled away to London, saying goodbye to Marie.
As you can see, my dear Marion, there are lots of particular stories in Marie Duplessis' real life that Dumas fils took to write his novel, La Dame aux Camélias. We can say that, in some parts of the story, the real Armand Duval is Edouard de Perregaux, and not Dumas fils.
If you want my opinion, I think that if Marie Duplessis was really in love, she was in love with Edouard de Perregaux, the man who she married with in february 1846.
When it comes to the Vidal's draws, I guess that the director of her museum in Gace, monsiuer
Jean Marie Choulet, must know something about.
You can get in touch with him in this email:
I would do it myself but as I told you, my french is really really bad and I can't build a sentence without making mistakes.
On the other hand, I've been interested in Marie Duplessis since I read an article on her in a Historical Magazine. Then, I began to research in the net, in old books... What about you? When did you get interested in Marie Duplessis?
Kind regards, my dear Marion! ^^
Écrit par : Perregaux | 15/09/2008
Hi again, my dear Marion! How are you?
Well, I guess that it's imposible to know properly if Marie was really in love with Dumas fils or how strong was her love for him. The truth about it is that the two lovers were together during at least 11 mounth (september 1844 - august 1845). Then, Dumas wrote her to make her know that he was breaking up the relationship. It was told that Dumas was afraid of the illness that was devouring her dear Marie and that he was frantic about becoming ill with tuberculosis.
Well, as far as I am concerned, the characters of Marguerite and Armand are SLIGHTLY based in Marie Duplessis and Alexandre Dumas fils. I mean, in the novel, for example, Dumas told us that Armand and Marguerite spent a few months in a summer house sharing their love. In real life, in february 1842, Marie and Edouard de Perregaux visited a summer house in Bougival and bought it to spend their weekends there. At the last months of that year, Edouard sold the house in Bougival to reorganize his economie and traveled away to London, saying goodbye to Marie.
As you can see, my dear Marion, there are lots of particular stories in Marie Duplessis' real life that Dumas fils took to write his novel, La Dame aux Camélias. We can say that, in some parts of the story, the real Armand Duval is Edouard de Perregaux, and not Dumas fils.
If you want my opinion, I think that if Marie Duplessis was really in love, she was in love with Edouard de Perregaux, the man who she married with in february 1846.
When it comes to the Vidal's draws, I guess that the director of her museum in Gace, monsiuer
Jean Marie Choulet, must know something about.
If you want to get in touch with him, you can find his email in the net. I would do it myself but as I told you, my french is really really bad and I can't build a sentence without making mistakes.
On the other hand, I've been interested in Marie Duplessis since I read an article on her in a Historical Magazine. Then, I began to research in the net, in old books... What about you? When did you get interested in Marie Duplessis?
Kind regards, my dear Marion! ^^
Écrit par : Perregaux | 15/09/2008
Buemas tardes, querido Perregaux,
It's really good to have this possibility to exchange these things with someone!
Even though I don't have the habit of writung letters which can be read by everybody else...
I got in "contact" with Marie Duplessis by Verdi's opera "La
Traviata". In a commentary about the background to this opera, I read that this story was based on a true incident between Dumas himself and a woman named Marie Duplessis.
I became interested and read "La dame aux camelies". While reading this book, I started getting the impression that Dumas is talking about something true. Then I wanted to know more.
I had often asked myself why Verdi gave to his male heroe the name "Alfredo Germont".
Now, having read about "Agenor de Gramont", I really wonder about the similarity of these two names-- after all, the opera was performed 1853 for the very first time, and I'm pretty sure that Verdi and Dumas personally knew each other -- so there might be the possibility that Verdi knew the real name of "Armand Duval".
But of course we don't know -- we can just feel like detectives...How hopeless to find the truth after such a long time!
About Perregaux: I might be wrong, but I thought that he married Marie in London, and when the marriage broke down after a short time, Marie went back to Paris where she died a few time after that.
Was Perregaux really the one who spent the summer with her in Bougival -- or did he only buy it for her (and her unknown lover), like the old duke in Dumas' story did?
On the other hand, I wonder: what made Dumas write such a deeply moving story unless he wasn't himself affected?
Thank you for the mail-adress of the museum. But maybe it is not necessary to write there in French-- maybe English is possible, too?
Just one more question: do you know if Marie repented in the end of her life?
Muchas gracias para contestarme todas preguntas!
Écrit par : Marion | 17/09/2008
My dear Marion:
My comment is too long and this blog doesn't let me post it. ^^
Anyway, I'm trying to write here my email but the comment mysteriously disappear ¬¬ (I think posting emails are not allowed here).
If you can, visit my blog and leave me a comment there with your email and I will answer your last questions.
Kind Regards!!
Perregaux ^^
Écrit par : Perregaux | 17/09/2008
Dear Perregaux,
I absolutely don't succeed in doing it... where exactly on your blog can I leave a message ? (I'm not too much familiar with working by internet and computer)
Could you explain me how to do it?
Many regards
Écrit par : Marion | 18/09/2008
Dear Marion:
You can leave me a message, for example, in the first post, under the text. You just have to clic in 'O comentarios'. Then, a new window will pop out in which you can write me your email to get in touch directly.
Kind regards!!
Écrit par : Perregaux | 18/09/2008
Dear Perregaux,
OK, I found it-- but I didn't succeed in sending!!
What do I have to do to send the message??
(excuse me!!)
Écrit par : Marion | 19/09/2008
Hi my dear Marion! ^^
Look, you have to clic in '0 COMENTARIOS'. As you see, a new window is open. Then, write your comment in the gap and next, under 'ELEGIR UNA IDENTIDAD', select NOMBRE/URL. Write there your name and the name of your website in case you have one (if you haven't got one, don't worry, because this last gap is optional). Finally, clic in PUBLICAR COMENTARIO and it's done.
Kind regards my dear! ^^
Écrit par : Perregaux | 19/09/2008
Hi again, Perregaux,
I tried it now like you told me. Still, I'm not sure if it worked, because the computer didn't give me an answer like "message was sent" or something similar...
Écrit par : Marion | 19/09/2008
Bon jour, necesito conseguir la foto de la maison de Jeanne de Saint Remy de Valois de la Motte en la rue neuve Saint Gilles numero 10. Merci
Écrit par : isthar | 19/09/2008
Je cherche à joindre monsieur Darnel. Journaliste pour France 2, j'enquête sur Marie Duplessis.
Bien à vous,
Écrit par : Youki | 30/03/2009
Cher collegue
Est ce que je peux avoir la permission de reproduire l'image d'Alphonsine Plessis ci-devant dans un livre je suis en train d'ecrire? Le titre est "Visions of loveliness: the work of forgotten flower breeders" et il y a un chapitre sur la camellia. L' image de Mlle Plessis sera tres piquant.
Je vous remercies beaucoup de fois
Avec me sentiments les plus distinguees,
Judith Taylor
San Francisco
Écrit par : Judith Taylor | 08/06/2009
Bonjour M. Jean Darnel,
Ca fait longtemps que je m'intéresse à l'histoire de Marie Duplessis, et c'est ce soir que je découvre ce site...Je voudrais vous poser une question: j'ai entendu que Marie Duplessis fut enterrée au Cimtière Montmartre, alors qu'aujourd'hui, est-ce qu'on peut toujours y retrouver sa tombe? Si oui, savez vous où est l'emplacement -- car je compte de la trouver depuis longtemps.
Je vous serai reconnaissant si vous me donner une réponse. Merci par avance.
Sui Kei
16 juillet 2009
Écrit par : M. WONG Sui Kei | 16/07/2009
Je découvre à l'instant le commentaire que vous avez posté sur les articles de mon blog republiés sur Paperblog, et consacrés à la Dame aux camélias.
Vous vous insurgez (aimablement) sur les emprunts que j'aurais fait à vos propres articles sur le sujet. Je me suis documenté à la Bibliothèque de Beaubourg, à la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand, sans parler des séjours sur les lieux d'enfance d'Armande Plessis et de visites à ses adresses parisiennes.
Le portrait (texte et image) publié sur mon blog a été pris sur un ouvrage dont le contenu est dans le domaine public, et pas sur votre blog. Quant aux autres emprunts que vous signalez, il faudrait que vous soyez un peu plus précis dans vos accusations. Je ne vous ai rien emprunté et je n'ai donc rien à vous devoir comme citation.
Thierry do Espirito
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